I keep paying for Coverplan despite the fact it has repeatedly failed to fix the problem
I bought a Compaq laptop in 2009 from PC World for £449 and took out the firm’s Coverplan at £8.99 a month. I did so because my previous laptop had been damaged, and I was forced borrow money to replace it. In 2014, the USB ports became faulty and I sent it off to be repaired by Coverplan but, when it came back, the problem persisted. Ever since, the cycle of sending it off to have it “fully repaired” only to find the same problem still existed, has been repeated. On the fourth return, the laptop wouldn’t even boot up so I requested a write-off. My frustration is that I’ve been paying this Coverplan the entire time, but have not had a fully functioning laptop. I’m very aware I’ve now paid enough for a replacement laptop several times over, which is galling. However, I’ve been loath to cancel it. PC World says it is only suitable for a write-off when it feels it can’t repair it any more. SWA, Guildford
This letter is a wake-up call to anyone paying to cover an electronic item – promoted heavily at Currys PC World. If you have been paying £9 a month for eight years plus, that’s more than £800 to the insurer – enough to have bought two new laptops. One of the problems with these policies is often the company will insist on repairing the item even when it would be cheaper to throw it away and replace it. We asked PC World – now part of Dixons Carphone group – and it was quick to offer a solution. It says: “We’re sorry to hear of the issues SWA had in getting her laptop repaired. We have now given her a voucher to replace it with a new machine and apologise for the inconvenience. ”
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