We have recently been highlighting how loyal insurance consumers are hit with outrageous premium rises – and your response has been huge. Here are just a few examples showing how insurers see unsuspecting older people as fair game
There can be no argument that the home insurance industry is engaged in the cynical exploitation of elderly customers, writes Patrick Collinson.
The evidence is overwhelming – just look at the letters below. As is the fact that every company – mutual, cooperative, shareholder, specialist – is in on the game. They have all been seduced by a business model which amounts to offering a teaser rate, then stitching up unsuspecting older customers for years afterwards with absurd premium increases.
It's fatuous to suggest a 92-year-old with arthritic fingers and macular degeneration should be surfing comparison sites
I was shocked to see that she was paying almost four times as much as me, and yet our houses are identical
Her latest premium of £1,089.95 … was three times what I pay for a larger house
It is particularly disappointing since Saga is supposed to look after us oldies. I'm 70. What has happened to integrity?
This has given me the confidence and energy to examine other “habitual” company loyalties I hold
When the renewal forms arrived this year it was asking for £1,104.58 – roughly double
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