Oct. 13--A recent decision by the state to adopt more stringent construction standards for homes located near the ocean and Barnegat Bay could make it much more expensive for some Sandy victims to repair and elevate their homes.
"It may hurt people more who are elevating and not rebuilding," said Toms River Township Engineer Robert Chankalian, who learned of the change about a month ago. The township put out a notice "to residents in the floodplain" detailing the change.
Department of Community Affairs spokeswoman Lisa Ryan said the DCA does not have an estimate on the number of homes in New Jersey that are included in the new Coastal A zone designation, but it is likely to include hundreds of homeowners along the Jersey Shore.
The more stringent requirements will likely lead to higher costs for homeowners. It can cost between $30,000 and $150,000 to lift a home, which includes not just the home elevation but obtaining permits, building staircases and other necessary additions, and reconnecting utilities such as electricity and water.
Elevating homes in the V zone and the new Coastal A zone with pilings or helical piles is generally more expensive than lifting a house where a closed foundation can be used.
"We all know that the V zone requirements are much more stringent than anything else," said Trevor Newman, Toms River's storm-recovery ombudsman. He and Chankalian have been attempting to determine how many homes in Toms River fall within the new Coastal A zone by using aerial photographs and maps of waterfront areas.
Under the state's newly adopted Uniform Construction Code, homes in the new Coastal A zone -- located seaward of the so-called "LiMWA line" -- will likely be required to build using the same pilings, helical piles and breakaway walls required of homes located in the V, or velocity, zone on FEMA's flood maps.
LiMWA stands for "limit of moderate wave action," and structures within the line's boundaries must be built to withstand the impact of breaking waves of up to 1 { feet. In the velocity zone, houses must be built to withstand damage from waves of up to 3 feet.
The LiMWA line can be found on FEMA's preliminary flood insurance rate maps, where it can be seen as a black line with triangular flags. The line zigs and zags depending on topography. Chankalian said that in Toms River, a quick review of the maps shows the line mostly affecting homes that are located about one house in from the open bay or the ocean.
In other parts of the Shore, some streets have several houses that are located seaward of the line. The low-lying part of Highlands, for example, appears to have several homes on streets closest to Sandy Hook Bay that fall within the new Coastal A zone.
FEMA has sent out an advisory detailing key requirements for buildings in the Coastal A zone.
You can look up your property and see where it is located in relation to the LiMWA line by using FEMA's "What is my BFE?" look-up tool.
Ryan said the new Coastal A zone requirements "are based upon the best available data on the type of foundation required to protect the structure given the soil types" found in the area.
"This means that homes in the permit pipeline need not be redesigned as a result of the amended code," Ryan said. Homeowners who apply for a building or elevation permit after March 21, 2016, will need to comply with the new regulations, Ryan said.
Homes that do not comply with the more stringent building code may face higher flood insurance premiums, FEMA has said.
Jean Mikle: (732) 643-4050, jmikle@gannettnj.com
(c)2015 Asbury Park Press (Neptune, N.J.)
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